Thursday, September 21, 2006
This past two days have really been a knocked off period for me from all the events. I have been waking up only in the early afternoon, trying to recoup all my lost sleep. *Yawn*
Last monday, I had a meeting at
GCTC together with
yap min,
wan teng,
bo chun and
simon in the evening. We had dinner at the same time while discussing the details and schedule for the retreat. I was tired and BBQ-ed from my morning swim so I was thankful that the meeting did not lasted for more than 2 hours though we went to get a drink after that.
On Wednesday early afternoon, it was the start of
TRP Planning Retreat at
Safra Resort. The girls took one 'house' while the guys took the other one. It was OYO (On Your Own) till 6pm, therefore we had icebreakers first before phyllis, simon and I went swimming. It was refreshing as there was not much sun and the weather was rather hot. Then in the evening, we listened to one of John Piper's messages,
"Captivated by God through the Word" before entering into a time of planning in our own campus focus groups, Evanglism & Prayer and Discipleship & Recruitment. Interesting presentations after that. Heh. ;) Although it was past mid-night already, most of us stayed up to play 'Bridge' till about 5am. Yap min and I volunteered to sleep in the leaving room as due to lack of space and we slept with the tv on playing songs from the MTV channel. I liked it and how I wished I could do that at home too. Haha ;P
On Thursday, we listened to another message by the same guy. I did not catch the title of the message though. After that, it was lunch and more planning focus by
irene and
mimi before entering into the details in our own campus. And guess what happened after that? We called for the majong set and started playing. Haha. Then at night, it was
Appreciation Night conducted by
simon and myself though most of the credit would have to go to
simon as it was mostly his ideas. :) Well...we broke the crusaders into 3 groups to act out a certain passage in the bible in two given genres/styles. The first group has to act out a part on "The Fall of Jericho" in army and sissy styles. The second group was on John 21:15-25 and in hip-hop and I think is hong kong style. The last group was on Daniel 6 and in Indian and another style that I cannot remember what. Overall, the performances were hilarious. Wahahaha. Yoyoyoyo!!! ;P After that, we did the appreciating of the passionate freshmens, seniors and our staff, irene, before entering into a time of worship. After which, it was back to mahjong, "White Chick" and "Honey" shows before all headed to the guys' "house" to watch "Full House". All except yap min and me that is. Both of us were not interested in these kind of shows, for me that is.
On Friday, it was booking out at 10am and most of us went to
Changi Airport for breakfast where we had an interesting walk too. Haha ;) After that, I headed to
phyllis's house to put my bag before we went to meet bo chun to buy the stuff for the
BBQ Night the next day. O man..I was like dead tired and it was cold as it was raining. I heard it was 24 degrees that day. Blurrrr... I only managed to leave her house around 7 plus after settling some stuffs.
On Saturday, I went to get some more stuff for the
BBQ Night before heading to
phyllis's house in the early afternoon. We managed to get everything done in time and I really thanked the Lord for the weather. We were praying real hard for good weather that day when it became quite downcast in the afternoon. So yeah.
Thank You So Much God!!! The night went really well with the ice-breakers, opening with the song "Pass It on" and lighting of candles, worship, food, games and fellowship. I was glad that a few of the crusaders from the pioneering mission team could make it. So happy. :D
Then this week's monday, I attended
Refresh! (Spiritual Multiplier Conference) at
Third Place and I really learned a lot through it. I will share what I learned in the next entry. The mission
"Movements Everywhere...So That Every Student Will Know Someone Who Truly Follows Jesus" is becoming more real to me than just being a statement and it is a desire in my heart. I was indeed refresh and more passionate than ever to reach TP campus for God. I pray that God will give me the courage and boldness to carry out "The Great Commandment" and "The Great Commission."
Okie..that's all. I am starting to feel sleepy and I want to go do my QT before I hit the sack. And I have a meeting later on in the afternoon as well. Adiyos and nitez. ;)
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 5:37 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
It's the second week of my school holidays already and I haven't find a job yet. Boo. :( Even so, my first week was taken up by crusade and so is this week, hence I don't think I am able to work juz yet. But I really hope to find a job because I seriously in need of the money.
On the brighter note, I went for my first
Crusade Poly Summit last wednesday to thursday at
NACLI. Later it was found out that it was until friday. Sigh. Still the two full days rocked!! :) It was great getting to know crusaders from different polys and getting to hear from them about their thanksgivings, problems faced, ideas and views through the discussion sessions. During the problems and ideas discussions, we were spilt to different areas and I felt quite disheartened as TP Campus Crusade is not official so problems faced were different and many ideas were not really feasible for us. Even so, I know that we will is God working in TP Crusade and the campus itself.
Besides the discussions, there was sessions on the message as well and it was mainly on 'Leadership.' This is one topic that interests me a lot. There were teachings on a leader's heart, principles, skills, ect but the one that impacted me the most was on
'Roles of a Leader.' I have been placed in a leadership position as fas as I can date back since primary schoo whether in church, school or outsidel. And this particular session really impressed on me a lot compared to any leadership conferences I have been. It made me realised that my thinking of what a leader is and does has been so narrow and it brought me to look at things in great light and perspective. Here are the 4 roles of a leader:
[Present (People)]- Coach -> To help individuals succeed at advancing the mission of the whole.- Spokesperson -> Able to communicate the mission and vision clearly to other inside and outside the ministry.[Future Realities]- Change Agent -> Evaluates ministry and alter things that are not working.- Direction Setter -> Sees a picture of a desired future, and is willing to do what is required to get there.* In the center of all 4 roles - Heart for GodThis session was rounded up by reminding us that we are servants leaders, where we are serving God and others (ministry). I clearly remember the student leaders' motto, "To Lead is To Serve." Overall, Poly Summit was an amazing experience with all the learning, discussions, fun, bonding and not to forget the food. I miss my egg myo prata. Yum! ;P
Okie dokies..I gotta go do my QT before I head to bed. I will be needing my mind and strength for TRP Planning Retreat. Ciaoz.
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 4:21 PM
Friday, September 01, 2006
Exams are over and hello holidays. Hee :) This semesteral exams were much better compared to last year's as I only had 3 papers to study for. Hehe. But still, there were a lot of theories to study, understand and memorize. Last week was my study week and I spent all my weekdays at the airport studying with joelle. At one of the days,
mummy and
B1 (ben) came to join us for dinner so we went to Popeye to eat and ended up playing 'bridge' instead of studying. Haha ;P Still it was a fruitful studying period. My finance and HR papers were difficult and surprisingly, my marketing paper was rather easy. I think even easier than the mid-sem one. So happy and I noticed
ms ng smiling as she saw us. Haha. ;)
As for today, I wanted to wake up early to go back to my secondary school to visit my teachers. But I woke up around 11 plus. Bleah. So sad. :( O wellz.. Dinner today required long travelling time as it was at
Serangoon Garden Chomp Chomp together with
lao ma, dajie, xiaomei, joelle, B1, B2, deren, shuyi, estalla, simon and
meiling. We ordered sting rays, satays, carrot cake, osyter omelette, hokkien mee and sugar cane drinks. The cups for the drink were big, super big but it was nice and we were given an extra cup for free. Haha. Shiok manz. And as the usual practice when crusaders gather, we played 'polar bear' and it was super fun. B1 kept being the polar bear. Haha.

September is here and I can't wait for all the activities to start happening, especially Poly Summit and TRP BBQ nite. :) O and someone's big important birthday is here. Hehe ;) I hope that I am able to find a part-time job as all these activities are going to burn a hole in my pocket soon and I need the money.
Mum has pestered me to get a job. Haiz.
I shall end off here for now. Bye.
A sad feeling insideOf cause yet unknownWalking in shadow of darknessSearching a light so dim
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 5:31 PM