Monday, May 08, 2006
It's been a while since I last updated so here goes. I have been quite busy for the past 2 weeks with crusade stuffs. There was the survey recruitment that went on for 3 days. Although I was still afraid to approach people and it was tiring, the whole 3 days was fruitful. I also thanked God for the crusade stuffs and brothers and sisters from other school who came down to help out with the survey recruitment.
The week that has just passed was the busiest for me due to the welcome tea on wednesday. There was the contacts for follow-up to allocate, worship practice, mc rehearsal and refreshments to settle. Although on the day itself there was a lot of inpromptos especially at the ending when the mcs had to talk on the DVC, life meetings and ending the whole session off. I really have to thank God for overseeing everything and making the welcome tea such a great success. And I felt the Holy Spirit moving in the place too. It was such an emotional feeling. Praise the Lord!!! =)
Despite all the preparation that was going on, I still had the time to go swimming and catch a movie with
abi. Hee..
Aquamarine was a really nice show and the guy is hot too. Haha ;) As for school, I don't like tutorials as I don't know anyone in my class. The people in my class also are clickish and most of them already knew each other. What a bummer. During breaks I would contact the friends that I have made last year and meet up with them. Good thing for all my breaks, one of my friends are free. I am so happy. ;) O yeah..
abi is now studying in TP too and not NAFA. Yay yay!!! Haha :)
Okie..I can't wait for June to arrive despite the mid-sem tests. I will be having crusade chalet then straight after that will be the church camp in KL. Woohoo..can't wait manz. Hehe.. Ok ok.. I better stop thinking about it before I go crazy. Haha.. Entrepreneurship proposal and presentation are due this month and I better start mugging soon. Kk.. gtg.. ciaoz..
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 4:15 PM