Monday, October 24, 2005
Lalala..time for another update plus some photos..hehe.. Thurs i had to wake up early to go back to sch for DG. It was the first DG for me though i joined Campus Crusade for quite a while already. Li huan and xiaomei were already there when i reached. We toked and laughed for quite a while while waiting for hown luan and mummy phyllis. The DG session overall was gd plus all the sharing and laughters. Hee ;)
Then mummy, xiao mei and i took a bus down to bedok interchange and of course, we crapped in the bus. Xiaomei was meeting her frenz while the both of us were meeting the rest of the dancers except for wanteng dajie who cldn't come. sad.. O yeah..i met sanjie (cousin) as i was walking out of the interchange. At first i saw her, then she saw me but we cldn't recognise each other. But when i turned back to look again and she did too, we then recognised one another. Sanjie changed her hairstyle no wonder i cldn't recognise her at first. Haha ;p we toked a bit before we both had to go off.'s been a while since we met up together..
Aft tat, went for lunch, except for joanna who was gg to meet us at mummy's hse instead, before we went to shop for snacks. dinner stuffs and desserts. we headed to phyllis's hse to put our stuffs, prepare some food for dinner tat needs time before snacking in front of the tv watching first half of 'National Treasure'. Aft the first half, we decided to go swimming and we did. Hehe..
Soon it was time to cook dinner. We had 'wine', mushroom and chicken soup, linguine with cheese and potato wedges. Yum. The food was delicious manz. Then clearing up was done before having dessert, jellies (two flavours) and ice-cream (chocolate ice-creams with nuts and marshmallow). Sinful and fattening sia. But who cares?? Wahaha ;)
As there wasn't time for us to go play pool, we decided to watch the rest of 'National Treasure', Lost,snack and play cards. Whee..i learned how to play bridge. So fun..hehe..helps stimulate the mind. By the time we left, bo chun and myself missed the last bus back. Thk gdness paul was super kind to give the both of us a ride home. We own him one manz.
Okie..shall stop here and let the photos do the talking. Cya!!
[META Dance]

META dancers & Sharon

META dancers in full-dress

Our shirts..everything is D.I.Y!!! ;) Shirt's sleeve 'Tell The World"
[Dancer's Outing]

Six of us in the baby pool...

Bo Chun, Miltan & Justin

Phyllis, Joanna and me

The 3 ;p

Busy in the kitchen..chefs in the making..hehe ;)

Yummy!! Dinner is ready!! *ring ring* *drool*

Cheers and bottoms up!!

Dessert!! Fattening!! Time to satisfy our sweet tooth..hehe ;)
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 2:54 PM
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
*Yawn* I am going to hit the bed slightly earlier tonight though i woke up pretty late ard 12 plus. Hehe.. Finally i got to exercise aft a long while. It's been quite some time since i went to the gym to workout or to the park to run. Getting lazy nowadays. Haha..but what to expect lohz. *wink*
So yeah..went to play badminton with
chu hua and
yee hoon. It's been a long while since we met up with each other due to different polys and also, 0ur own busy schedule. Still we like to play badminton when we have the time to meet up and actually book a badminton court. But if CCA is complusory in poly, i will not take up badminton already. I wanna do something else more fun and thrilling. Hehe.
O yeah..met
auntie jenny at white sands when i went to return the books i borrowed from the library before heading down for the badminton 'appointment'. And she said i looked skinner and asked whether i have been eating. In my mind was like 'huh? i have been eating and not exercising at all and i looked skinner?' Haha..dun tell me the more i eat, the skinner i get. That's weird and that means that i'm not normal. Wah.
*Yawn* Okie..i think i better stop here. Getting real sleepy. Until next time. Cya.
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 3:10 PM
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Time for another live update on
jess's life. Haha..sounds like i'm running a news show. Nah..boring job. Heh.
This wk has been a rather relaxing wk i can say. Mon went out for dinner then fellowship with crusaders. Quite fun and interesting with all the sharing. Hee. But tues was the ultimate day of this wk. At first,
joanna, mummy, milton, justin and i met up at
orchard to have lunch. (at orchard cos we meeting
dajie later for movie as well) And it turned out to be someone's suanning day. Better not state who if not later tat person read will kill me. Haha ;p
Yup..and practically the whole day we were suanning tat person. We declared tat tues tat person's suanning day. Hehe..Oppsie..This was not the ultimate happening. At first we went to Shaw House to take a look at the movie timings. As the timings were not suitable, we went to CinniLeisure to check it out and of course, i msged dajie to tell her to meet us at
summerset instead.
The thing was this. We flooded
dajie's hp with calls once we checked out the timings, which were not tat suitable, as she did not keep up her hp. In the end when she did, we found out she and
simon were at
PS. My gdness. But since the timings at PS were more suitable, we went there instead. Imagine tat. We practically checked out all the cinemas at town. Woohoo..haha.. But yeah, we caught
'Into The Blue" and it was a nice show. Heh..there were
Paul Walker and one of my favourite actress,
Jessica Alba. Whee..
After show, we discussed a bit abt the crusade dance ministry before
dajie had to leave and later on
simon and
milton. The rest of us had dinner at
BK, dessert at
Gelare before heading down to play pool. Haha..rux rite?
As for the rest of the wk, i decided to slack at home and edit a blog template, which i shall use later on once it is completed. Hehe ;) Okie..tat's all the news for today folks. Cya and take care!!
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 3:22 PM
Monday, October 10, 2005
I'm feeling sick. Bleah. I'm still down with flu since thurs evening.sore throat and cough. Ahh..not gd manz. The food i ate together tasted quite blend and had no difference, including the tea which i drank in the afternoon plus my voice is cranky. Jialat la. But i really have to thank God that at least i no longer have fever. ;)
Just came back from
META yesterday afternoon which started frm tues morning as i also attended leaders' pre-conference. The pre-conference was quite gd and i remembered that we had more that 3 hrs on learning how to interpret the bible. That session was gd juz that i kept getting 'pick' by the 'speaker' as i was feeling restless, tired and sleepy. Aiya..more than 3 hrs leis and the previous nite i only slept for at least 3 hrs.
As for the main
META itself, i learned a lot and had lotsa fun. The seven of us danced for the opening and it was fun. Hehe.. I learned a lot through all the speaker sessions and
T.E.D. which i took
Pneumatology, the study of the Holy Spirit. My grp,
Malachi, was super bonded, crazy, funny and damn on. The other campus, except for rp (they are part of tp,
TRP..hehe), did not dare to 'penetrate' us. Haha.. My grp's cheer is hilarious and was even recorded and used in the video. Ahh..haha..damn funny can. Woohoo..
O..there was this game known as '
LOST'. There were 3 sets of different set of cards. We had to do something in order to obtain the first set of cards, which are to be combined to be changed for the second set and finally the last set. The objective is to obtain as many of the last set. It was not easy as there were different combinations. But in the end, my grp won. Yay!! Haha..
On thurs night,
ForeRunners came down to play. The singers are real good k? Powerful voices. Yup..Throughout the whole of
META, the most unforgettful day was friday. Friday morning i came down with flu and had to take panadol, which dun seem to have effect on me. Before
Project X (Acts) in the afternoon after a short speaker session. we spent time with the Lord through worship and prayer. I remembered trying to hold back my tears during worship. I felt God's presence in me and my heart was burdened with many things. I really wanted to cry out but i controlled.
Project X, my grp went back to tp to spread the word of God. At first i felt quite pressurised as i was partnered together with
calyn jie jie. But was i reflected back, i thank God that she was with me as she was the one who pushed me to approached two of my friends. Five things i learned through this were: 1) The courage i tbought i had was different when i really had to do it. 2) It is easier in a sense when we share Chirst together with someone than alone. 3) There are many Christains in tp but not doing what they are supposed to do. 4) Never share Christ with a non-Christain when there is a backslider around. 5) The difference between Catholics and Christains. Yup..overall for
Project X when all results were consolidated, a total of 36 people accepted Christ. great is that manz.
As for night, i did not had dinner as there was dance rehearsal. But i ate a bun as i did not take my lunch. What we did not expect was we danced twice as the worship band also led the song we were dancing too. It was fun though. Hehe.. However, it was not gd for me. My throat started to hurt, was losing my voice and i came down with fever. So that night, i practically was a super sick person, fever, flu and sore throat. jialat can one get than me? I only managed to take dinner at 3 plus in the morning after everything plus 2 hrs 23 mins of sharing. Crazy rite?
META had made a difference to me and i gained a lot from it. I pray that the Lord will use me mightily and that He will guide and direct me as i continue to walk with Him. Yup..
Okie..tat's all..gonna go rest. Signing off.
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 4:26 PM
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Ouch!! My thigh is hurting. Pain manz. Hopefully the pain will disappear by tues. *pray* These past few days had been one hactic but super fun time. I had to travel to harbour front four times and my ez-link card is gg bust. Whoa.. But yeah, it was all worth it. Heh ;)
META is coming soon in a few days time and i'm the group ACGL. lor for a freshie like me. Still, it will be challenge to me and i dun mind anyway besides the fact that
dajie will be in another team. Sad case can. But she will be joining my group for Project X. Yay!! Really looking forward to META and to the dance. Hehe ;)
It's been a shiong period for the dancers.
Mummy, dajie, joanna, bo chun, justin, miltan and myself practised our dance
"Tell the World" like crazy as we started only on mon. We only had 3 practices wif
jiayi (our choreographer); mon, tues and today. She's the best can. She had to like rush down to another of her dance practices as she has dance peformace in church tmr. Even wif only 3 official practices, all of us did very well. Hehe..we used my church yesterday afternoon to practise for our dance as there was the mirror to synchronise our timing. Super fun lor. O..and frm the look of this week, we ate more than we danced. Wahaha ;P
For today's dance practice, we learned the final steps and sharpened our movements. I was like in pain la as my right thigh hurt like crazy. Still, it was fun. O..then we asked
sharon whether starting frm us, cld we set up a crusade dance ministry. And she approved. Yippee!! That's so cool. After that, we went makan before heading down to
city hall where we brought our shirts. We are gonna design our shirts. Whee..can't wait manz. Then we proceeded to
kfc where we rested as all of us looked damn shagged but in the end, we crapped, told lame jokes and played games. Haha..typical of us. As we left
kfc, we went ard looking for fabric paint and it was a fruitless effort. But one thing ican say for sure, we were laughing and laughing non-stop and making a lot of noise. Haha ;P
Kk..looking forward to designing the shirts on mon at
miltan's church. Gotta go do some stuffs now. Cya!!
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 4:06 PM