Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Hvn't been updating much cos been quite busy wif sch stuffs. Rushing through my essay, projects, surveys and tutorials. Stayed up like till 4 plus last night. It's crazy. O by the way, juz wanna thk all of u who have helped me fill in the surveys. Sry for the spelling and grammatical errors yeah ;)
I'm down wif this bad cough and tat means i have to refrain from sweet. heaty and cold stuffs. Will i be able to do tat? I doubt so. I was in the com lab retyping my essay (cos got to be 1.5 spacing. tat's what i get for not reading instructions..bleah..). The guys were there doing their essay as well. Then
daryl got bored andfor no reason started being lame by pestering me. Heh..funny manz he.
O yeah..last sat e-games was grt and unexpectedly my team won. My team consisted of
yi ying,
li yin and myself. I actually expected
jassandra's team to win cos got two tall gbs( taller than me). But they got second instead and i'm happy. Haha.. I had to play for 2 teams though cos there wasn't enuf ppl and so does
jac and
chan min. I didn't mind though. Heh ;P
Something that i learned during e-games was sharing the gospel is a creativity way, using fingers. I was together wif the gbs when
jassandra shared by using the finger method. Interesting, easy to comprehand and effective. Yup..den after e-games, i headed back to church for 17-up.
I shall end here. Nxt wk is my term tests already and i hvn't even started studying yet. I am so
DEAD!! Ahh..someone save me. Er..nvm. Ok..signing off.
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 4:18 PM
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Whee..today was one unexpected day but a grt one though. Firstly, today afternoon's tutorial was cancelled cos
mrs aisha was sick. We then got our care person to do the make-up lesson as well together with the morning lesson. Not that it was faster, we also were able to be dismiss much earlier then expected. Heh ;)
And secondly, i went with 2 of my coursemates,
jeispreit and
li jing, to watch
'Mr And Mrs Smith'. It was quite a last minute thing actually. But yeah..didn't regret watching. It was a really gd movie. :)
O..i was watching this chinese show and one of the contestants (competition of who can put off as a malay but isn't one) actually shared his story. It was touching that i almost cried (the actress [judge] did). He shared that when he wanted to take part in this show, his mum told him that he was actually an adopted child. He was not their real son though his dad and him look quite alike. Now the questions was, "what was his reaction(s) and how he felt?"
His answers were that he was shocked as he have never ever thought that he was an adopted child even if others were to say so. However even after his 'mum' told him this, he still went ahead to enter the competition. But not only that, when he was praised for being strong and brave to be standing there and sharing all of these, he said that his parents are even stronger, braver and greater than him. This was because they had taken care of him like their own legitimate son despite the troubles they have to bear such as relatives constant disapproval and critisms. And near the end, he thanked his parents and said that he will always love them and take care of them. I can't remember the rest. All i know that the words he said were really heartfelt and touched my heart.
It's like this guy could have like taken the 'shocking news' in another way. He could have taken it in a bad way and ran out of the house, ignoring his 'parents', in a desperation to find out who are his real parents. Something like those that you see on tv. This guy certainly deserves all the praises for everything that he said. A standing ovation!!
That's all i gotta say. Looking forward to 1st of july as grandma (father's side)will be coming over to stay for a month. Yay!! Misses her sponge cake that she wld occassionally make not us when she visits. But now, i will have food to eat. Haha ;p
Okie..have a gd nitez peeps. Zzzz..
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 4:18 PM
Saturday, June 18, 2005
I'm happy!! Haha..today was really a productive and wonderful dae. It started when both my lecture and tutorial for todae, released us like an hour before the exact time. So gd manz..heh ;)
After that, i had SG outing so went to meet the gals at orchard mrt station. The gals, who were able to meet up, were faith, clara, jesslyn, eileen, liying and michelle. And of course not to forget nat as well. We went to Coffee Club to makan or it was more like nat n me. The rest of the time in there we toked and toked. Both of us wanted to order mud pie for them but they didn't want. Wonder why? Mud pie is really delicious. But we did ordered calamari rings for them though. We so nice loh? Heh ;p
We then went to Heeren to jalan jalan ard, took photos and neoprints. Faith had to leave early so she cld not take photos or neoprints wif us. So sad.. aww.. nvm..another time. Nxt time we go Downtown East Theme Park. Haha.. As jesslyn and clara needed to go off by 6, it left wif only nat, eileen, liying, michelle and me. We went kfc for dinner since i was craving for it for no particular reason and they didn't mind.
Basically the whole outing was shopping, taking picts, makan and lotsa toking. The gals are damn cute manz. They can smile for no reason one. Hee.. As for me, i'm quite broke. Spent a lot and bought quite a few stuffs. But i still wanna go shop for clothes. Haha..plus watch movies.
Okie..tat's all. Here are the photos we took. Not many though. Nitez!!

Eileen, Liying, Myself and Michelle

Clare, Myself and Jesslyn

Eileen, Michelle, Nat and Liying

Clara, Nat and Jesslyn

Group shot!! ;)

Neoprints time!! ;)

Pink!! Blue!! Guess whose hands are these? Haha ;p
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 4:08 PM
Friday, June 17, 2005
Heh..am bored and since i dun feel like sleeping at the moment, i shall do these quizzes taken off frm
sis's blog.
happy or sad : neither..heh..in between can?
sleepy or awake : er..half half?
hungry or full : super full!!!
dirty or clean : clean!!!
sick or healthy : healthy of course
you last ate : rice dumplings that grandma brought over..hehe..
you last drank : water
you wearing now : tee and berms
are you thinking of : shld i do my qt later or go slp?
do you take for granted : care and concern of my parents
do you miss the most : eunice!! cos she's in aust mah..
do you love : all whom i noe..
do you feel most happy with : lotsa ppl :)
makes you laugh : lotsa ppl too..haha.. ;)
makes u sleep : my accounting lecturer..he's really boring..
makes you cry : God and ppl who mean a lot to me
makes you angry : anyone hu offends, irritates and pisses me off
enlightens you : hmm..august?
ill-treats you : huh? no one bah..
is your birthday : 10 dec!! take note k? heh :)
is your loved one's birthday : err..got a lot lehz..
is your wedding annivesary : i'm not married yet..hee..
is the happiest day of your life : lotsa happy daes..cannot list all.. :)
did you last swear : i dun swear
did you last have a fight : err..can't remember..
did you last cry : aiya..can't remember also..who wants to remember anyway?
do you break off with someone : dunno..nv experience it before..
do you overcome depression : i dun suffer from depression lehz..
do you live your life : taking it one step at a time as it comes
do you pass your time : watching tv, coming online, maybe reading, ect..
do you pass your exams : study hard and play hard at the right times..plus pray hard as well ;)
do you normally get angry: cos i got irritated, offended or pissed off by someone
do you cry : cos i'm hurt, sad or sometimes happy..hehe..
1. whose picture is it that you keep on your wallet? no one's except mine..got ic mah..haha ;p
2. what time do you go to bed? no exact timing..when i'm tired or felt like too i guess
3. what was the last thing you did before filling this survey? surfing the net
4. who's the one you always meet the most? tp coursemates..starts sch already mah..
5. who's the person you're gonna call if you need help? help for wat? usually no one..dun like to trouble others unless bo bian..
6. what's on your mind right now? nothing..juz wanna complete tis finish
7. who's number on your speed dials? no one's
8.with whom do you wanna be to have fun? my bros and sis-in-Christ, friends
9. what movie do u wanna watch now? lots lehz..lazy to list them down..heh ;p
10. when was the last time you went out? went out as in? sch?
11. what do you hate the most for now? hmm..it's not for u to noe..
12. when was the first time you slept alone? 2 wks ago
13. what do you wanna do for now? complete this
14. what do you do everyday besides eat and sleep at home? go sch, tok to ppl, do work, watch tv, come online, etc..
15. what could piss you off? when it does, it does
16. fave pet? dun have one though my bros have..wldn't mine keeping a puppy though..hee :)
17. colors that make you happy? er..if i like the colour, den i like it. if i dun, i dun.
18. most fave thing in your room? the cards, notes and gifts i received frm others
19. what was the last thing you bought for your room? uh..vcds?
20. any instruments in your room? nopez
21. do you cook? yesh..but not that superb cooking..
22. miss someone? eunice?
23. plan to buy something? of course..clothes!! haha..
24. are you satisfied with your life now? uh..so so la..can't complain much cos i shld count myself being blessed by God ;)
25.do you like seafood? hmm..to a certain extent..but currently i like stingray..
26. breakfast or dinner?dinner thank you.
27. what do you usually eat for breakfast? no fix..mostly dun eat one..
28. did you eat breakfast today? a chocolate muffin counted?
29. do you recycle? yes..shopping bags that i get frm buying stuffs..haha..
30. do you have a laptop? yes but not using
31. what's your favorite fast food? no favourite..but at the moment, i craving for kfc
32. cats or dogs? dogs
33. salty or sweet? sweet
34. city or country? both
35. what's your favorite kind of jeans? no favourite..as long as they fit me and are comfortable can le..
36. Is kissing normal for your age? er..dunno how to ans this..
37. are you athletic? not really..super slack now
38. do you swear? nopez
39. would you ditch your friends for a date? no way!!
40. do you have your own cell phone? of course!!
41. what do you wear to bed? now? tee and berms
42. ever had a crush on a teacher? nah
43. coke or pepsi? both..but i prefer non-gasy drinks nowadays
44. sugar or spice? both..depending on what food i'm eating
45. can you use chopsticks? obviously..haha..
46. do you like to read for pleasure? yes
47. do you care about getting good grades? of course!! who doesn't want gd grades?
48. have you ever fallen asleep in class? yes..haha..not surprising loh..
49. get a job or ask your parents for money? both can?
50. is your dad strict? yes on certain areas
51. do your parents give you enough privacy? er..i guess so..
52. do your parents trust you? erm..to a certain extent..
53. would you trade places (in life) with your best friends? no best friends..heh..
54. does your best friend get on your nerves? can't ans
55. do you make friends quickly? it depends
56. do you get jealous of your friends? jealous? no. envy? yes
57. do you tell your mom everything? nopez
58. do you and your parents fight? physically no..verbally yes
Name 20 friends without looking at the questions and answer the questions with regard to your friend of the corresponding number.
1 Tash
2 Eunice
3 Jialing
4 Cheryl
5 Amy
6 Rachel
7 Jeremiah
8 Abi
9 Vivien
10 Yvonne
11 Khalis
12 Kangwei
13 Yilin
14 Chu Hua
15 Chu Yun
16 Yee Hoon
17 Shaun
18 Kai
19 Ailay
20 Corinn
Who is #8 going out with? lotsa ppl..haha..
Is #9 a boy or a girl? Girl or shall i say lady?
Would #11 and #2 go out?: nah..both wun pei one..
How about #18 and #4?: so wrong manz..both are females loh..
What grade is #17 in? sec 5
When was the last time you talked to #12?: Last night of camp
What is #6's favorite band?: wah..i dunno sia..
Does #1 have any siblings?: yup..an older bro and a younger bro
Would you ever date #3? nopez..she's a female!!
Would you ever date #7? er..maybe..haha ;p
Is #16 single?: yup..unless she has found a guy who has met a high standards..haha..
What's #15's last name?: doris
What's #5's middle name?: she doesn't have one does she?
What's #10's fantasy?: hmm..getting married to the guy she loves? heh..
Would #14 and #19 make a good couple?: wah..can't manz..both are females!!
Tell me a random fact about #11?: he's a malay christian
Have you ever had a crush on #16?: no way!!
Are #5 & #6 best friends?: er..dun tink so..but both are sis-in-Christ..hee..
Does #7 like #20?: they dun even know each other
How did you meet #15?: school
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 5:07 PM
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Haven't been updating much since i cldn't find anything to really write abt. One
Purpose Camp juz ended like 2 daes ago. I went without any objectives but still, it was all worth while.
I made new frenz frm gb, got to know some youths better and all the fun, laughter plus things i shldn't be hearing as well. Think this only my bunk mates wld understand what i mean. The camp was also an eye-opener for me. This was especially during one of the dinners where we had to learn how to share. It was not the sharing that was the problem. It was the way the food was being shared or more like who took noticed of who. It was basically like youth to youth, gb to gb. Erm..dunno whether i'm making any sense but yeah.. something around that line.
Life in tp has been ok so far. As compared to secondary school life, it is much more slack and really gotta be independent. The only problem is my class. Dunno why suddenly got the different clicks here and there plus like some cannot get along one. I see and hear also cannot tahan. And i seriously do not have any coursemates i can say are my friends. Haiz..
Anyway, i tink i may take up kick-boxing but not confirm. Hopefully it doesn't tired be out. Okie..end of story. Tmr gg for
Go Forth Missions conference in the evening wif some
campus crusade ppl. Nitez..
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 4:02 PM
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Too lazy to do my tutorial assignments so i might as well update my bloggie. Haha..tink i getting real lazy nowadays. Tat's bad manz esp since my first sem exam will be in July. Gotta get my mind and body up and running fast.
Leaders' retreat last wk was certainly a fruitful one. I really learned a lot from it and never regretted going for it. At one point, we were to be in grps of 3 and write out the problems or burdens we had abt ym on the mahjong paper. For me, it was a time for me to let everything out and i did. At the end of it, i actually felt quite scared but many of my questions were answered or sort of. Yeah.. It was a pity that not all the sgls were at the retreat. They wld be able to voice out and really gain a lot out of it.
Hvn't been doing much recently. I signed up for the Business Interest Grp but it's like not totally confirm. I juz wanna go and see what they do and basically, see how first. Yup.. looking forward to youth camp though i wun be gg for the full thing..sort of.
Okie..tat's all for now. Tata!!
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 7:18 AM
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Hehe..i'm now slacking in tp's library and typing this post. So i might as well update a bit. I got shot by my OB (organisation behaviour) lecturer to become the sub rap. Damn funny la the way he picked the sub rap. It started when we played this game whereby we were to grp according to the number he called out. The ones tat din't had any grp had to write their name on the board and will haf sabo later on. For my grp, we got one xtra member so someone suggested in 'open numbers'. I dunno why but i decided to go wif it if not we wld be stuck there. So i led the counting and guess wat? It backfired and i'm out. Haha..hilarious manz. Everyone was laughing. Heh ;) At the end of the tutorial, the lecturer chose me to become the rap cos he said i got leadership, can make decisions and so on. What the heck manz!!! So unexpected. Sheesh..but on the brighter note, at least i get SEAL pts. Haha..
O..there was this grp that was caught in the same situation as us as well. But the grp was 'One For All, And All For One.' So all of them wrote their names on the board. United sia. Heh..and yeah, this was also how we got our project grp as well. My grp is not bad. All two guys out of seven. Hee..nice.. Since there was more gals den guys in the grp, we sabo the guy (the other was already class rap) to become the grp leader. Gal power manz!! :)
Okie..gg to meet sis later for dinner den proceed for Leaders' Retreat. Until then, adiyos amigos!!
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 6:21 AM
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
I'm like broke now due to the purchase of lecture notes and books. Still dunno whether i should buy the econs book. Gotta see how first as i need to get a 512mb thumbdrive. Haiz.. No money no talk.
On the brighter note, i'm enjoying myself in tp despite the heavy eyelids. My friends are like super chatty, super siao and super funny. Have been laughing a lot recently. That's gd for the health isn't it? Haha ;) As we had a 2hr break today, we decided to go try the food at the 2 storeys canteen. And guess wat? I met
kai along the way. Cldn't recognise her at first when she called my name. She looks different and became a lot thinner. I muz meet up her soon. It's been a long while since we last catch up with one another. Yup..anyway, the food at that canteen were much better than the one at business sch. Way much better. Heh..
Started on learning how to use Dreamwaver. The lecturer was going through mainly the basics and as i was bored, i was typing for fun all the way. When it was our turn to try,
angeline and i already finish doing the required details. It was like we both were ahead of what she wanted us to do. Haha.. And i realised that although my eyes are closed, information still enters my head. But if i try to keep my eyes open, i never fully hear what the lecturer talking abt. But i'm not the only one either.
Shu Chen also. Is this gd or bad?
Then i went to meet
khalis at orchard after sch. We were supposed to catch a movie but in the end decided not since he had to leave off for the 'muslim talk' at 8pm. Poor guy!! But yeah, we went jalan jalan instead and i bought some stuffs in the end. We had dinner and updated one another abt recent stuffs since i seldom see him already. The amazing thing was that he brought this shirt, which i have, with the same design, color and from the same shop. My gdness..how concidental can this be?! And now i get to claim 2 treats, one from
jamie and the other one from
khalis. Muahahaha!! Can't wait..whee..
Hmm..what else is there for me to update abt? Guess not much except that i will have full scale freedom till nxt wed, 8 june. It's quite fun to have no one home except that i hope there is no appearance of any creepy crawlies, esp cockroaches. O yeah..i wanna watch 'Monster-In-Law'. The show looks nice. Hee..
Okie..tmr sch starts at 1pm. Haha..cool manz!! Kk..gotta go do work. Take care :)
Dre@my JeSs Life Written @ 2:57 PM